Items you love? Siiee! E-commerce go-to store Fri, 10 May 2024 11:50:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Items you love? Siiee! 32 32 220632311 Should you really make your baby burp after meals? Fri, 10 May 2024 11:40:57 +0000 Baby BurpBaby Burp for New Parents

In the world of parenting, burping newborns post-feeding is both a common and widely advised practice. Yet, a question emerges: is it essential?
This article tries to go into the nuances of burping, why babies cry or regurgitate after meals, and offer a myth busting view about it.

Why Do Parents Burp Their Babies?

Newborn parents are often told that burping helps to alleviate discomfort and prevent the regurgitation of milk after feeding. It is a common practice and it is rooted in the belief that like adults, babies swallow air while eating, which can be released through burping.
Theoretically it reduces crying, baby discomfort and the spitting up of milk post-feeding.

Is Baby Burp REALLY Always Necessary?

Contrary to popular belief, not all post-feeding discomforts are due to air trapped in the stomach.
Babies cry for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: hunger, discomfort, or even colic, which is crying with no discernible cause.
Moreover, “spitting up” is common among newborns due to an immature digestive system and usually resolves itself as the baby grows.

baby burpingResearch Insights and Recent Discoveries on Baby Burping

Interestingly, limited research do not support the necessity of burping!
A study in India observed two groups of newborns: one was burped post-feeding, and the other was not.
The findings revealed that burping did not significantly reduce crying and actually increased the frequency of spitting up.
This questions the traditional view and suggests that burping might not be as beneficial as once thought.

When Should You Be Concerned?

While occasional crying and spitting up are normal, certain symptoms should prompt concern among parents, such as refusal to feed, significant vomiting issues, or signs of big distress during feeding. In such cases, consulting a healthcare professional is the next best step.

Cultural Perspectives on Burping

Globally, the practice of burping varies.
A clear example is a research from Indonesia that shows that many breastfeeding mothers rarely burp their babies post-feeding. Such cultural differences highlight that burping is not as universally regarded as one thought it is and that parenting practices can vary significantly across regions.

The Role of Baby Carriers and Slings

Carrying babies in slings or carriers can naturally help reduce the time they spend crying. This position allows any swallowed air to escape more easily, potentially reducing the need for burping. Furthermore, using slings has been linked to benefits for the mother as well, including lower rates of post-natal depression and prolonged breastfeeding durations.

Making an Informed Decision

Ultimately, whether to burp your baby is a personal choice. If burping seems to comfort your baby and fits well into your routine, it may be worth continuing. However, if it causes stress for either of you, it might be beneficial to try alternatives like using a baby sling for comfort and to reduce crying.

Final take on this: To Burp or Not to Burp? – William Babyspeare

As parents navigate their unique journey with their newborn, understanding the full scope of options available, including the efficacy and necessity of burping, can empower them to make the best choices for their child’s comfort and development. The bottom line isย  each baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

For more insights and tips on newborn care, visit Siiee!

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Dogs and Cats Dream? 2 Latest Studies Show the Undeniable Truth! Mon, 25 Mar 2024 22:42:57 +0000 Dogs and Cats DreamBelieving that dogs and cats dream is not a scientific certainty, but it’s hard to imagine that they don’t!

We’ve all seen our dogs and cats exhibit behaviors in their sleep that resemble what they do in a fully awake state. Paddling legs, whining, growling, wagging tails, chewing jowls, and twitching noses inspire us to wonder what our dogs and cats dream about.

What we know about Dogs and Cats and Dreams

Although our knowledge on this topic is very limited, the following known information helps us believe that dogs indeed experience dreams.
According to MIT News source, Matthew Wilson, a professor of neuroscience at MIT, and Kenway Louie, a graduate student in 2001, have studied the relationships between memory, sleep, and dreams.
They discovered that when rats were trained to run along a circular track for food rewards, their brains created a distinctive firing pattern of neurons (brain cells). The researchers repeated the brain monitoring while the rats were sleeping. Lo and behold, they observed the same signature brain activity pattern associated with running, whether the rats were awake or asleep. In fact, the memories played back at approximately the same speed during sleep as when the rats were awake.

Can we apply this to dogs and cats?

Can we take what is known about dreaming in rats and humans and apply this information to cats and dogs? Wilson believes we can. “My guess is โ€” unless there is something special about rats and humans โ€” that cats and dogs are doing exactly the same thing,” he said, according to the USA Today website.

It is known that the hippocampus, the part of the brain that collects and stores memories, is wired much the same way in all mammals. According to, Professor Wilson says, “If you compared a hippocampus in a rat to a dog; in a cat to a human, they contain all of the same pieces.” He believes that as dogs and cats sleep, images of past events replay in their minds, much the same way people recall experiences while dreaming.

In people, it is known that most dreams occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Dogs and cats also experience periods of REM sleep. The Psychology Today website says that during REM, their breathing becomes more irregular and shallow. There may be muscle twitching during REM and, if one looks closely, rapid eye movements behind closed eyelids can often be observed. It is during REM sleep that behaviors thought to be associated with dreaming (legs paddling, twitching, vocalizing, etc.) are most commonly observed.

What we want to believe about dogs and cats dreaming?

When we observe our furry pets as they sleep, it’s just about impossible to imagine that they are not dreaming. Just like the rats studied by Wilson and Louie, it is tempting to believe that our four-legged best buddies are reenacting their recent experiences; playing at the dog park, sniffing in the woods, chewing on a treasured bone, and chasing squirrels.

The National Institutes of Health states that Sigmund Freud theorized that dreaming was a “safety valve” for our unconscious desires.
Perhaps he is correct, and, when our dogs sleep, they dream about catching the neighbor’s pesky cat, endless belly rubs in conjunction with unlimited dog treats, and stealing a chicken leg from the balcony!

Did you enjoy this article about Dogs and Cats Dream?

It would mean the world to us if you consider following us on our social media or just buying something for your lovely pet even here.

Till then kiss your pet good night and we’ll see each other on the next one!

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Essential Tips and the Five Stealth Health Threats Sun, 17 Mar 2024 18:22:27 +0000 Five Stealth Health ThreatsThis mini guide about Essential Tips and the Five Stealth Health Threats delves into feline wellness and preventative measures

Adhering to these guidelines can significantly extend the lifespan of your cherished pet. However, it’s crucial for cat owners to stay vigilant about the less obvious dangers that can compromise their cat’s health. Recognizing the signs of these “stealth” threats early can dramatically improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Here are the Five Stealth Health Threats and symptons associated you should be looking for in each situation:

1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

A leading cause of feline mortality, CKD signifies a severe reduction in kidney functionality. Symptoms to watch for include increased thirst and urination, noticeable weight loss, halitosis indicative of toxin accumulation, lethargy, and a tendency to conceal themselves. Although CKD is a lifelong condition, with diligent management including dietary adjustments, hydration, medication, and possibly subcutaneous fluid therapy, cats can lead relatively normal lives for years.

2. Hyperthyroidism

This hormonal disorder, prevalent in older cats, accelerates metabolism, leading to symptoms similar to CKD but with a notable increase in appetite despite weight loss. Potential complications include cardiac issues and severe hypertension. Fortunately, hyperthyroidism is treatable through medication, dietary changes, or more advanced options like I131 radioiodine therapy, which can mitigate further organ damage.

3. Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Overweight and obese cats are at a higher risk for DM, a condition where insulin production or response is impaired, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. Symptoms overlap with those of CKD and hyperthyroidism but also include a distinct gait due to neuropathy. While DM requires a significant commitment to manage, including daily insulin injections and dietary modifications, cats can maintain a good quality of life with proper care.

4. Cardiac Disease

Unlike dogs, cats with heart disease may not exhibit audible murmurs, making diagnosis challenging. Symptoms may include erratic heart rhythms, fainting, difficulty breathing, and in some cases, acute paralysis. Diagnosis often requires advanced imaging and blood tests, with treatment focusing on managing symptoms since a cure is elusive, except in cases related to hyperthyroidism.

5. Cancer

With pets living longer, cancer diagnoses have become more common. Gastrointestinal cancers, particularly lymphosarcoma, are most prevalent. Symptoms can vary widely but often involve significant weight loss, lack of appetite, and gastrointestinal distress. Early detection is key to improving outcomes, as treatment options are more effective at initial stages.

To further safeguard your cat’s health, it’s advised to:

– Keep your pet indoors to avoid external hazards.
– Monitor and manage your cat’s weight to prevent obesity-related conditions.
– Regularly clean the litter box to detect any changes in urination habits, which can indicate health issues.
– Promptly seek veterinary care at the first sign of abnormal behavior or symptoms.

Early detection and intervention are paramount in managing these stealth health threats. For any concerns, always consult with your veterinarian, your primary resource for ensuring your pet’s well-being.

If you liked this post of Essential Tips and the Five Stealth Health Threats consider subscribing to our social media or newsletter for more like this as it keeps us motivated to do more!

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Top 5 Animal-Inspired Films: Lessons in Leadership, Friendship, and Courage Sat, 16 Mar 2024 22:44:48 +0000
๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽฌ Celebrate Cinema with our Top 5 Animal-Inspired Films list for this Sunday! ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿพ

Let’s embark on a cinematic journey filled with heartwarming tales of animals and the valuable lessons they teach us. Join us as we explore five iconic films featuring our beloved animal companions, each carrying profound messages and important life lessons.

Animals have been an integral part of human life since time immemorial, playing crucial roles that go beyond companionship and entertainment. They teach us about compassion, responsibility, and the invaluable worth of life. Throughout history, animals have served as loyal friends, tireless workers, and even life-saving heroes, demonstrating loyalty and bravery that often transcend our expectations of non-human beings.

Within the family context, pets enrich our lives by offering comfort and joy when most needed. They greet us with unwavering enthusiasm at the end of a hard day, providing a type of emotional support that’s hard to find elsewhere. Furthermore, the presence of animals in the home can teach children important values such as empathy, care, and respect for nature. Through thisTop 5 Animal-Inspired Films list, we hope to remind you of these valuable lessons and the deep connection we share with the natural world.

Check out Top 5 Animal-Inspired Films where Animals are the main stars of the show:

๐ŸบBalto” (1995)

Follow the courageous journey of Balto, a wolf residing in Nome, Alaska, who becomes an unlikely hero when a diphtheria epidemic threatens the town. Leading a team of dogs on a perilous mission to retrieve life-saving medicine, Balto teaches us about leadership, teamwork, and empathy.

๐ŸฆขFly Away Home” (1996)

Experience the touching story of orphaned geese guided by Amy, a teenager piloting an ultralight aircraft, as they learn to migrate south. Celebrating perseverance, friendship, and teamwork, this film showcases the power of cooperation and overcoming obstacles.

๐ŸพHomeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” (1993)

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Chance the cat, Shadow the golden retriever, and Sassy the bulldog as they journey through the wilderness to reunite with their beloved owners. This heartwarming tale highlights loyalty, the bond of family, perseverance, and love.

๐Ÿ”Chicken Run” (2000)

Laugh along with the animated comedy set on a farm where chickens hatch a daring plan to escape their fate as chicken pot pies. Filled with humor and adventure, “Chicken Run” inspires courage, resilience, defiance against adversity, and independence.

๐Ÿ€Air Bud” (1997)

Be enchanted by the story of Buddy, a Golden Retriever with an extraordinary talent for basketball, and his human friend Josh as they navigate challenges and discover the importance of friendship and family. “Air Bud” teaches us about the power of friendship and acceptance.

Hope you enjoyed our Top 5 Animal-Inspired Films!
If you enjoyed our list consider following us in social media for more content like this and don’t forget the timeless lessons animal companions can teach us!

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